Zoology Plastic Embedded Specimen
Tags: 300, 850, 950, Adamsia 400, Albunea 410, Alcyonium 490, Alimalarva 345, Ammocoetes larva, Amphioxus 345, Amphisile (Glass fish) 510, Anabas (Climbing perch) 510, Ancylostoma 345, Anguilla (Eel fish) 510, Annelida, Antedon 400, Anternnarius (Angler fish) 510, Aplysia (Sea hare) 465, Argulus 410, Arthropoda, Ascaris Female 465, Ascaris male & female in one block 510, Ascaris male 465, Astacus (Crayfish) 490, Aurelia (Jelly Fish) 400, Balanus 490, Basalt, Bellostoma 490, Bladder worm 400, Bombyx Mori (Silkmoth) 345, Brittle star 540, Buccinum 465, Cardium 345, Cavernularia 480, Centipede 445, Chalina (Finger Sponge) 345, Chick embryos 33 hrs, Chick embryos-4 days, Chiton 345, Cliona (Boring Sponge) 345, Clypeaster 400, Coelenterata, Collection of 15 Igneous Rocks — size 8"×6" Rs. 370 per set, Collection of 15 Matamorphic Rocks Rs. 370 per set, Collection of 15 Sedimentary Rocks Rs. 370 per set, Collection of 20 Metallic ores Rs. 440 per set, Collection of Arthropoda (set of 5), Collection of Minerals — set of 20 Rs. 370 per set, Collection of Minerals — set of 50 Rs. 1100 per set, Complete with Accessories, Crab 445, Dolirite etc.) laminated Rs. 310 each, Earwig (Forficula) 345, Echeneis (Sucker fish) 750, Echinodermata, Echinodiscus 345, Electric Ray 510, Eupagurus 345, Euplectella in Acrylic Show Case 1, Euspongia 345, Fasciola (Liver fluke) 345, Fissurella 410, Garnot, Gross Hopper 345, Heart Urchin 400, Heiminthes, Helix 410, Herdmania 465, Hermit Crab 400, Heteronereis 980, Hydra 345, Igneous Rocks like Marble, Jelly-Fish 300, L.H. of Honey Bee 510, L.H. of House fly 510, L.H. of Silk Moth 510, Labeo 510, Lady Bird Beetle 345, Leaf Insect 510, Leech 400, Lepas 345, Limax 345, Lingula 400, Locust 345, Loligo 410, Lower Chordata, Megascopic Igneous Rocks (Granite, Metridium 490, Mica—All laminated Rs. 310 each, Millipede 465, Mole Cricket 345, Mollusca, Moth 345, Murex Shell 400, Myashell 400, Mytilus 400, Myxine 1, Nepa 345, Nereis 425, Octopus 400, Paleomon (Prawn) 460, Patella 345, Pearloster 400, Pecton 400, Pennatula 490, Pentaceros 345, Peripatus (Newzealand) 1, Petromyzone, Pheritima 345, Physalia 400, Pila 400, Planaria fresh water 345, Planorbis 345, plastic Embedded, Porifera, Porpita 400, Praying Mantis 460, Protopterus (Lung fish) 3, Renilla 490, Rhizostoma 400, Rock and Minarals Hardness Test Kit (With MOHS Hardness Scale Set), Rock Collection in Plastic Tray Box —, Rock Samples 3" Size, Rumen fluke 345, Sabella 345, Sacculina with Host 465, Salate, Salpa 400, Sand Dollar 345, Scoliodon 490, Sea urchin 345, Sediamentry Megascopic Rocks 3"—Laminated Rs. 310 each, Sepia 400, set of 20 Rocks of size 8"×6" Rs. 370 per set, set of 50 Rocks of size 15.5"×7.5" Rs. 1100 per set, sipunculus 620, Solen 400, Spider 345, Spirula 400, Spongilla 345, Squilla 465, Star fish 345, Stick Insect 465, Taenia with scolex 400, Tapeworm 400, Tapeworm Dyphyllidium 400, Termite 345, Tick 345, Tools and Working Manual Rs. 1250, Turboshell 400, Unio 400, Vaginulus 345, Velella 400, Wasp 345, Zoanth s u 345, zoology plastic embedded