Zoology Micro Prepared Slides
Tags: 10 mm embryo, 10 mm embryo VS, 120 hrs. Stage, 120 hrs. Stage W.M., 13 hrs. Permitive Streak W.M., 13 hrs. Premitive Streat, 18 hrs.lastoderm, 18 hrs.lastoderm W.M., 21 hrs. 1-3 Somites W.M., 21 hrs. Stage, 24 hrs. 7 Somites W.M., 24 hrs. Stage, 30 hrs. Stage, 33 hrs. 8-13 Somites W.M., 33 hrs.TS, 36 hrs. 14-17 Somites W.M., 36 hrs. Stage, 36 hrs.Somite, 38 hrs. Appx. 28, 42 hrs. Appx. 30, 48 hrs. Stage, 48 hrs. Stage W.M., 58 hrs. Stage, 58 hrs. Stage W.M., 6 mm embryo, 6 mm embryo VS, 66 hrs. Stage, 66 hrs. Stage W.M., 72 hrs. Stage, 72 hrs. Stage W.M., 84 hrs. Stage, 84 hrs. Stage W.M., 96 hrs. Stage, 96 hrs. Stage W.M., Actinotroch larva, Acute Nephritis, Adipose Tissue, Adiposis of Heart, Adrenal adenima, Adrenal gland, Adrenal Gland T.S., Alcyonium Spicules W.M., ale-Mouth parts, Alima larva W.M., All significant stages in, Alphidium W.M., Ambutatorial, Ammocoetes branchial reg., Ammocoetes post reg., Amoeba Giant (Chaoshaos), Amoeba Pelo Myxa, Amoeba Proteus, Amoeba Proteus (imported), Amoebainary Fission, Amoebancystment W.M., Amphioxous entire W.M., Amphioxus Gonad Region, Amphioxus intestine, Amphioxus oral hood, Amphioxus pharynx, Amphioxus tail, AmphioxusTS atrium, Amyloid degeneration of spleen, Anaemia, Anaemialood Smear, Anaphase, Anaphase-Telophase I, Ancyclostoma—Hookworm, Ancylostoma, Anemia, Anemia pernicious, Animalell, Animalells, Anopheles eggs W.M., Anopheles female W.M., Anopheles larva W.M., Anopheles male W.M., Anopheles mouth part female W.M., Anopheles mouth parts male W.M., Anopheles pupa W.M., Anopheles wing W.M., Anopheles-Malaria Mosquito, Anthracosis of Lung, Aorta, Aorta T.S., Aphid W.M., Appendicicitius-acute, Appendicularia, Arcella W.M., Areolaronnective, Argulus W.M., Artery, artery and nerve, Artery T.S., ary Fission, Ascaris eggs W.M., Ascaris female, Ascaris Female T.S., Ascaris male, Ascaris male and female, Ascaris Male T.S., Ascaris Ova W.M., Ascaris pharynx, Ascidian Larva WM, Aspergilosis lung, ASthma broncial, Auditory organ W.M., Aurellia Tentaclocyst W.M., B. Grantia L.S., Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus form, Bacillus subtails, Bacteria typical, Balanoglossus ant. reg LS, Balanoglossus branchial reg, Balanoglossus Gonads, Balanoglossus proboscis reg, Balanoglossus trunk reg., Balanoglossusollar reg., Balantidium, Balantidiumoli W.M., Barodies, Baugainvilla W.M., Bed bug W.M., Bedug Mouth parts, Bipectinate type, Bipinnaria Larva, Bird Feather Filoplume, Bird Featherontour, Bird Featherown, Bird louce W.M., Bird Pecton from eye, Biting &hewing type, Blastula VS/W.M., Blood smear, blood smear showing, Bone, Bone calcified, Bone decalcified, Bone Marrow, Boneevelopment, Brain cerebellum, Brain cerebrum, Brain LS, Brain olfactory lobe, Brain Stem T.S., Brainerebellum, Brainerebrum, Branchipus W.M., Brouches of Lung, bryonic Theca W.M., Bugula W.M., Butterfly scale W.M., Butterfly wing W.M., Caprella, Caprella W.M., Carcinoma, Carcinoma Glandulare, Carcinoma of Large Intestine, Carcinoma of Lung, Carcinoma of prostate, Carcinoma of Stomach, Carcinoma ofreast, Carcinoma=section, Carcinomaervics Uteri, Cardiac (heart) Muscles, Cartilage, Centipede W.M. stinging leg, Ceratium, Ceratum wm, Cercaria Larva, Cerebellum, Cerebellum T.S., Cerebralortes T.S., Cerebrum, Cetaceous type, Chiasma formation, Chickmbryology, Chromatin bridge, Chromatophores W.M., Chromosomes showing, Cimax W.M., Ciona W.M., Clavate type, Clostridium tetni, Coccus form, Cockroach gizzard, Cockroach hepatic caeca, Cockroach leg WM, Cockroach malphigian tubules, Cockroach mouth parts, Cockroach muscles striated, Cockroach ovary, Cockroach SAlivary glands, Cockroach spiracle abdominal, Cockroach spiracle thoarcic, Cockroach testis, Cockroach trachea W.M., Cockroach wing W.M., Collembola, Colon, Colon T.S., Colpidium W.M., Compactone L.S., Compactone T.S., Companularia W.M., Compound eye W.M., Cornea T.S., Coronary Artery T.S., Corynebacterium, craft’s Rare Slides, Crop, Ctenoid scale W.M., Culex eggs W.M., Culex Female Mouth, Culex female W.M., Culex larva W.M., Culex Male Mouth, Culex male W.M., Culex mouth part male W.M., Culex mouth parts female W.M., Culex pupa W.M., Culex wing W.M., Cursorial, Cycloid scale W.M., Cyclops W.M., Cyphanautes Larva, Cyphanutes Larva, Cypris W.M., Cyst of Ovary, Daphnia W.M., Dermanyssus693 Leishmaniaonovani, Diakinesis stage, Didinium W.M., Diphyes, Diphyes W.M., Diplotene stage, Diptheria-section of Trachea, DNAslide, Dog Flae W.M., Dogfish skin, Doliolum W.M., Doliolum WM, Dracunculus W.M., Drosophila black eyed, Drosophila eggs, Drosophila female W.M., Drosophila larva-I stage, Drosophila larva-II stage, Drosophila male W.M., Drosophila pupa W.M., Drosophila red eyed, Drosophila vestigial winged, Drosophila white eyed, Drosophila yellow eyed, Duodennum, Duodenum, Duodenum T.S., e-Mouth parts, Early cleavage/W.M., Earth worm ant. reg. LS, Earth worm brain ring W.M., Earth worm buccal reg., Earth worm clitellum, Earth worm gizzard, Earth worm heart reg., Earth worm intestine reg., Earth worm ovary W.M., Earth worm pharyngeal nephridia W.M., Earth worm pharynx, Earth worm prostate gland, Earth worm seminel vesicle, Earth worm septal nephridia W.M., Earth worm setae W.M., Earth worm spermatheca W.M., Earth worm typhlosole reg., Eccrine Glands, Echinooccus W.M., Egg VS/WM, Egg-2 celled VS, Egg-4 celled VS, Eimeria, Eimeriaoccidium in Tissue, Elastic cartilage, Embryo 4mm VS/W.M., Embryo 7 mm VS/WM, Embyro W.M. 4 mm, Entamoeba Histolica, Entamoeba Histolytica W.M., Entamoeba Histolyticayst, Entamoebaoli W.M., Entamoema Histolytica cyst, Enterobius, Enterobius Vermicularis, Eosinophillia, Ephelota (Marine), Ephyra Larva W.M., Epididymis T.S., Epiglottis, Epiglottis LS, Epistylis W.M., epithelioma, Epithelium ciliated, Epithelium columner, Epithelium cuboidal, Epithelium pigmented, Epithelium squamous, Epithelium stratified, Epithelium striated, Epithelum glandular, Epithrlium sensory, Escherichia coli, Eudendrium W.M., Euglena W.M. A, Eustongia W.M., External Gill stage W.M., Eye Iris region VS, Eye VS, Fallopian tube, Fang musk (odonate), Fasciola Hepatica Larvae, Fasciola Hepatica Ova, Fasciola Hepatica T.S., Fasciola Hepatica W.M., Fat body, Fatty degeneration of Liver, Fibrocome of Skin, Fibromyoma Uteri, Fibrous cartilage, Filiform type, Fish air bladder, Fish Fluke W.M., Fish head reg., Fish heart LS, Fish Intestine, Fish Kidney, Fish Liver, Fish LS entire, Fish ovary, Fish scroll valve, Fish skin, Fish spinal cord, Fish stomach, Fish tail reg., Fish trunk reg., Fish Ts gill reg., Foragial, Foraminifera Ooze W.M., Foraminifera Types a set, Fossorial type, four slides per set 4×D, Frog ovary with mature eggs, Frog testis mature sperms, Gall bladder, Gallladder T.S., Gammarus W.M., Gastrula VS/W.M., Gelatinusarcinoma of rectum, Geniculate type, Giant chromosomes slide, Gianthrosome, Giardia Smear, Glandularpithelium, Glioma-brain lobe section, Globigerina, Glochedium Larva, Glossiphonia W.M., Goblet cells, Golgi Apparatus, Golgi complex, Gorgonia Spicules, Gram’s negative bacillus, Gram’s negative coccus, Gram’s positive bacillus, Gram’s positive coccus, Grass hopper mouth parts, Grass hopper ovary, Grass hopper Testis, Grass-hopper wing W.M., Guinea worm W.M., Haemophilus, Head louse W.M., Heart, Heart LS, Hemipteran type, Herdmania spicules, Heteronereis parapodia, Heteronereis W.M. (small), Holocrine Glands in Section, Honey bee mouth parts, Honey bee sting W.M., Honey bee wing W.M., Hook worm W.M., Housefly eggs W.M., Housefly female W.M., Housefly larva W.M., Housefly male W.M., Housefly mouth parts W.M., Housefly pupa W.M., Housefly Wing W.M., Hyaline cartilage, Hyalineortilage, Hydra Gastrula with, Hydra L. S.ody, Hydra Medusae W.M., Hydra Ovary T. S., Hydra T. S. Testis, Hydra T. S.ody, Hydra W.M., Hydra with Gonads W.M., Hydra with Nematocyst W.M., Hydra withud W.M., Hydractinia W.M., Hymenolepid Proglottid, Hymenopteran type, Hypertrophy of the Prostrate, Ileum, Ileum T.S., illae, Insect Larva Oligopod, Insect Larva Polypod, Insect Larva Protopod, Insect Pupa—Coarate, Insect Pupa—Exarate, Insect Pupa—Obtact, Internal gill stage W.M., Intestine, iron deficiency, Ixodex-Tick W.M., Jejunum, Jejunum T.S., Jelly Fish W.M., Kidney, Kidney LS, Kidney T.S., Lactospirilum, Laggard Formation, Lamellate type, Large intestine, Larynx, Late clesvage/W.M., Leech, Leech (small) W.M., Leech Jaw W.M., Leech nephridia W.M., Leishmania Tropica, Leishmaniaonovani, Lepas Mouth Parts, Leptotene stage, Leucocystosis, Leukamialood Smear, Leukemeia lymphatic chronic, Leukemia lymphatic acute-blood, Lingula larva, Lip T.S., Liver, Liver abscess, Liver Fluke eggs W.M., Liver Fluke Gonad Region, Liver Fluke Metacercaria W.M., Liver Fluke middle Region, Liver Fluke Miracidium W.M., Liver Fluke Post. Region, Liver Fluke Proboscis, Liver Fluke Redia W.M., Liver Fluke redia with, Liver Fluke Sporocyst W.M., Liver Fluke W.M., Liver Flukeercaria W.M., Liver T.S., Liverarcinoma, Liverirrhosis, Lucifer W.M., Lukemia, Lung, Lung abscess, Lung LS, Lung T.S., Lymph gland, Lymph Node T.S., Lymphatic Leukamia of Liver, Lyranx, Lytocarpus W.M., M. Parasite-Oocyst in Mosquito, M.P. (Developing Zygote in Mos.), Malaria Parasite (in H.lood), Malaria Parasite (Signet ring), Malignant Ovarian Tumor, Mammary gland, Mammary gland active T.S., Mammary Gland Resting T.S., Medulla Oblangata, Medulla oblongata T.S., Medullated nerve, Mega Lopa Larva, Megalopa W.M., Meiosis I, Meiosis II, Melanosarcoma of Skin, Metabolic nucleus, Metacercaria, Metaercaria Larva, Metaphase, Metaphase I, Metaphase II, Metazoea larva, Miliary Tuberculosis of Long, Milliary tuberculosis of Liver, Mite W.M., Mitochondria, Mitochondria in section, Mitosis-set of 5 slides 5xC, Mixed Protoza-Amoeba, Monliform type, Monocystis, Monocystis (Mixed Stage), Monocystis (Sporozoite), Monocystis (Trophozoite), Mucous Glands, Mucous tissue, Multivalent formation, Muscles bundle, Muscles cardiac, Muscles smooth LS, Muscles striated, Muscles unstriated, Mycobacterium, Mycobacterium leprae, myeloid acute, Myeloma, Mysis W.M., Nauplius Larva, Nauplius larva W.M., Necator Americana, Neisseria gonorrhae, Nereis, Nereis ant. reg. LS, Nereis parapodia W.M., Nerve, Nerve fibres, Nerve T.S., Nervecells, Neural fold stage VS/W.M., Noctiluca W.M., Non-Medullated nerve, Nonornified squamous, Normoblastic metaplasia, Nyctotherus, Nyctotherus W.M., Obelia Medusae W.M., Obeliaolony W.M., Octopus arm, oelentrata, Oesophagus, Oesophagus T.S., Oikopleura W.M., on same slide, Oniscus W.M., Ooze (imported), Opalina, Opalina W.M., Optic Nerve T.S., orifera, ornifiedpithelium, Ospharidium of Pila, Ostracod, Ovary, Ovary mature, Ovary Showingggs, Ovary T.S., Ovary with corpus luteum, Ovary withorpus Luteum, Ovary young, Oviduct, Oviduct T.S., Oxyuris W.M., Pachytene stage, Pancreas, Pancreas T.S., Paramoecium, Paramoecium in Fission, Paramoecium in one slide, Paramoecium W.M., Paramoeciumonjugation, Parathyroid gland, Parathyroid Gland T.S., Parenchymatous degeneration of Kidney, Pasteurella (plague), Pectinate type, Pectinatella, Pediculus eggs W.M., Pediculus W.M., Pediculusgg W.M., Penis, Pennaria W.M., Peripatus, Phoronis larva W.M., Phyllosoma larva W.M., Physalia-Section, Piercing & Sucking type, Pin worm W.M., Pituitary gland, Pituitary Gland T.S., Placenta T.S., Placoid scale W.M., Planaria, Planaria W.M., Plasmodium Falciparum, Plasmodium Malariae, Plasmodium Malariai, Plasmodium Vivax, Plasmodium Vivex, Pleurobrachia W.M., Plumose type, Plumularia W.M., Pluteus Larva, Polystomella, Polystomella W.M., Prawn, Prawn gill VS, Prawn gill W.M., Prawn statocyst W.M., Precoceous Separation of chrosomes, Prophase, Prostate Glands T.S., Pseudostratified ciliated, Pyrosoma W.M., Radiolaria, Radiolarians, Raptorial, Rat flea W.M., Rate Flae W.M., Rectum, Rectum T.S., Redia Larva, Redone Marrow, Redula of Pila W.M., Resting nuclei, Reticular Fibres, Reticulocytes, Retina, Retina T.S., Retina VS, Rhomboid scale W.M., Ring formation, RNAslide, Rotifer, Rotifers W.M., rotozoa, Rumen fluke W.M., Sacculina, Sagitia W.M., Sagitta WM, Salivary gland, Salmonella typhi, Salpa Asexual W.M., Salpa Sexual, Salpa Sexual W.M., Saltatorial, Sarcoma of Testicle, Scalp V.S., Scansorial, Schistosoma Monsoni, Schistosoma W.M., Scirrhous carcinoma of breast, Sea Anemone, Sea Anemone LS, Sea urchin pedicellaria W.M., Seautterfly, Second anaphase telophase, Section of ovary to show oogenesis, Section of testis to spermatogenesis, Section of uterus with embryo in situ, Sepia eye reg., Serrate type, Sertularia W.M., Setiform type, Shark embryo snout, Shark embryo thro’eye, Shark embryo thro’grill, Shark embryo trunk, Shingella dysenteriae, Shingella shinga, sikle cell, Simpleiliatedolumnarpithelium, Simpleolumnarpithelium, Simpleuboidalpithelium, Siphoning type W.M., Skin, Skin T.S., Skin VS, Skin VS with Feather, Skin with chromatophore, slide, Small Intestine, Small Intestine T.S., Smooth (Involuntary), Sperm smear, Sperm smear to show structure of, Spicules (Monoaxon), Spider W.M., Spinal cord, Spinal Ganglion T.S., Spinalord, Spinalord T.S., Spirillum form, Spirochaetes (syphlis), Spleen, Spleen T.S., Sponge Fibres, Sponge Gemmule, Sponge Skeleton, Sponge Spicules (Mixed), Spongilla T.S, Spongilla W.M., Sponging type W.M., Sporocyst Larva, Squamouspithelium584 Penis T.S., Staphylococcus aureus, Starfish arm, Starfish blastula W.M., Starfish gastrula W.M., Starfish pedicellaria W.M., Starfish tube feet W.M., Stellate type, Stentor, Sticky chromosomes, Stomach, Stomach Fundic Reg. T.S., Stomach Fundus, Stomach Pyloric, Stomachardiac, Stomachardial Reg. T.S., Straited Muscles L.S., Straited Muscles T.S., Straited Muscles W.M., Stratified, Strepto coccus (chain), Streptococcus pneumonae, Streptococcus viridance, Stridulatorial, Struma Nodosa of Thyroid, Sycon L.S., Sycon T.S., Sympathetic Ganglion T.S., Syphilis, Tadpole buccal reg., Tadpole eye reg., Tadpole gill reg., Tadpole head reg., Tadpole heart reg., Tadpole tail reg., Tadpole trunk reg., Tadpole W.M., Taenia Pisiformis Proglottid, Taenia/Monezia Scolex W.M., Tail, Tape Worm bladder worm, Tape worm eggs W.M., Tape worm in H. Intestine, Tape worm proglottid (Gravid), Tape worm proglottid immature, Tape worm proglottid mature, Tape worm scolex W.M., Telestoolony, Telophase, Tendon, Tendon Fibers W.M., Termite soldier W.M., Termite wing W.M., Termite worker W.M., tertiary, Testis, Testis Spematozoa, Testis T.S., Thalamus T.S., Thickening of Intestine, Thoracic spiracle, Thrips W.M., Thymus gland, Thymus Gland T.S., Thyroid gland, Thyroid Gland T.S., Tick W.M., Tissue adipose, Tissue aerolar, Tissue connective, Tomopteris WM, Tongue, Tongue T.S., Tongue with filiform, Tongue with fungiform, Tonsil T.S., Tonsillistis-Section, Tooth L.S., Tooth T.S., Tornaria larva W.M., Trachae, Trachea, Trachea L.S., Trachea T.S., Transitional ephithelium, Transitionalpithelium, Trichinella Spiralis, Trichinella spiralis cyst in muscles, Trichomonas, Trochophore larva W.M., Trypanosoma, Trypanosoma inlood, Tuberculosis of Kidney, Tuberculosis-Lung section, Tubifix W.M., Tubulara, Tubularia W.M., Typical insect leg, uglens, Umblical cord, umnarpithelium, Unequal distribution of chromosomes, Unio body & gill, Unio foot, Unio gill, Unio Shell ground thin, Ureter, Ureter T.S., Urethra T.S., Urinaryladder, Urinaryladder T.S., Uterus, Uterus T.S., Vagina T.S., Vagina VS, Vein, Vein T.S., Veliger’s Larva, Vermicularis, Vermiform Appendix, Vermiform Appendix T.S., Vibro cholera (cholera), Vibro comma, Volvox, Vorticella, Wasp sting W.M., Waucheria brancofti (Filaria) smear, White Fibrous Tissue, White Fibrousartilage, Yellow fever-Liver section, Yellowlasticortilage, Yolk gland, Yolk plug stage, Zdea Larva, Zoea larva W.M., Zygotene stage